Shunya On Meditation

Q: Kindly explore the meaning of meditation.

Ans: Meditation is a practice in which an individual can induce the mind into a mode of consciousness to help reach a state where ego, time and all other distractions are dropped and only awareness remains. It is an experience that cannot be articulated in words, but only felt. By quieting our minds, stilling our bodies and dropping all our distractions and focusing on the essence of our breathing, we can experience a comforting peace which, through practice, can lead to a permanent state of happiness.

Q: How to choose the right meditation?

Ans: Meditation often involves an internal effort to self regulate the mind in some way by employing practices and techniques that are best suited for each individual. We are all unique and so are our lives. Hence it is important for a Guru to assess a person’s life, taking into account his past, present and future, and customize a meditation that may work best for him/her. Meditation is a very subjective process. There are many styles of meditation and the word itself can carry different meanings in different contexts. It is best to seek the advice of a guide/guru/master, to formulate a specific kind of meditation for oneself.

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