
Dawa Ya Dhyaan (Medicine or Meditation)
Majority of human race is suffering from physical mental ailments and is in the clutches of medicines. Can medical science make us healthy? What is health and how can v enjoy perfect health? Shri shunya prabhu offers the ultimate solution for our health related problems. He connects us with our inner void SHUNYA which heals us at all levels and makes us HEALTHY.

AMEER KAISE BANE (How to Become Rich)

Who can deny power of money over man? Modern world worships money like god. Money is essential but it should keep circulating in society like blood in the body. No one can be termed as rich just because he has horded huge money. Shuny prabhu guides us to be rich in all aspects of our life in Ameer Kaise Bane.

Sach Ki Khoj ( The Truth Revealed )
Since time immemorial man's basic desire has been the desire to control others. He tries to gain this control through various ways, through weapons or through money but a more subtle way of controlling others is through psychic practices. Shunya prabhu reveals the mysteries of the world of tantra for commoners and warns against ill effects of black magic, voodoos, psychic attacks and energy vampires in Sach Ki Khoj.

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